Leave Your Mark | Coldwell Banker Premier Realty Marketing
When you join Coldwell Banker Premier Realty, you are joining the number one team in Southern Nevada. Our approach to leadership is at the heart of our company culture. The CBPR leadership team is dedicated to empowering sales associates to leave their mark on the real estate world.
Jill Alegre has been guiding families home in Las Vegas since 2011. Jill has been consistently ranked as one of the Top-35 agents in our brokerage, and at Coldwell Banker Premier Realty, we’ve proven that the best get better. In 2019, Jill had a 50% increase in GCI. This month, we are highlighting Jill’s success and identifying how she leveraged the recourses offered by our marketing team to help grow her business.
CBPR: What did you do differently in 2019 that led to your CGI growth this year?
Jill: “Since starting with CB in 2001, I have always farmed a neighborhood, but when I would get busy, I would unintentionally let months go by with contacting those residents. This year, I joined CBPR’s Own the Hood program which is managed by the marketing department. Not only do they create postcards with interesting content, but they ensure my cards are mailed at the same time month after month. This consistency keeps me top-of-mind as the neighborhood expert.
Through the Own the Hood program, I have successfully taken four listings over $700,000 on one street, and I currently have two properties over $1.2 Million in the same neighborhood. This program has paid off. “
CBPR: That’s amazing! Since taking these listings, I know you have been invited to join our Global Luxury Collective. How has the marketing department assisted you with luxury marketing?
Jill: The marketing department offers fantastic customer service, and their high-end luxury marketing suite is extremely beneficial. Being able to tell my sellers that they have an entire marketing team on their side is huge. When I take samples of luxury brochures and postcards on listing appointments, they know I mean it when I say your home will be marketed every day until its sold.
CBPR: What advice would you give agents just coming into the business?
Jill: Don’t reinvent the wheel – use the amazing tools that are already tried and true by some of the best agents in the business. Trust in your marketing team that the collateral provided to you will be on-brand, creative, relevant and professional.
CBPR: You know that our slogan is “Come together. Be inspired. Leave your mark.” What advice would you give to inspire an experienced agent who has already had success in the business?
Jill: Get on social media! Use your business page just like you would a personal profile. This allows you to get to know your clients and them you, on a more personal level. Being present on their page also creates opportunities for you to connect with their friends and capture referrals. If you don’t know what to post, make sure you get on CBPR Social. This private group, managed by the marketing department, makes it simple to share professional posts, making you look like an active industry leader.
Meet Your Marketing Team

The CBPR #StarSquad | 2019 Department of the Year
Melissa Fama-Flis | Senior Marketing Director Christine Phillipp | Director of Marketing, Strategic Services Tamara Foote | Digital Marketing Manager Chloe Deluca | Marketing Coordinator (our newest member)
The Coldwell Banker Premier Realty marketing team has grown over the past year – mainly due to the high-volume of projects for which they are responsible. Not only are they overseeing our NorthStar rebrand (click here to see the story behind the star), they are also responsible for several other company initiatives which create opportunities for CBPR agents to leave their mark: Own the Hood, Global Luxury Collective, Sales Associate Branding, Content Creation for Social Media, Graphic Design for Marketing Collateral, Copywriting and Blogging, Workshops and Pop-Up Classes, and more. To view some of the collateral they are producing, join us on social media in our private Facebook group, CBPR Social. Click here to join.
If you are new to CBPR and want to get to know the marketing team, they normally frequent our weekly sales meetings, so make sure you say hi! Just be warned, if they find out you haven’t watched the show Schitt’s Creek, they won’t stop pestering you until you are a mega-fan like them, and many of our CBPR Leadership Staff members.
The Marketing team is one of many departments at CBPR helping our agents succeed. Click the photo to learn more about what our agents are saying about us. Don’t you think it’s time to let us help you leave your mark?

Click here to read our team reviews.
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