How To Get The Most Out of Working From Home.

For many of us, social
distancing has meant an unexpected adjustment to working from home and finding
a way to do that effectively with very little notice.   Fortunately, we already
have quite a few Coldwell Banker colleagues who are 100% home-based, and many
more who are partial home-based employees.  We know home! 

Below are the top tips on how
these individuals found success working from home, from scheduling their
workdays to finding the perfect work-life balance.

Tips on Maintaining a Positive Mindset.
One of the gifts we have been given as a result of Covid-19 situation is time. Time to finish a project, time to invest in our personal relationships and time to grow both personally and professionally.

  1. Focus on what you can control
    There are always going to be things in our daily lives that we cannot control, so it is important to focus on the things you can. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, refer to the chart below.

  1. Start a gratitude Journal There are scientifically proven benefits to incorporating a daily gratitude practice. If this is not something you are accustomed to doing, now is a perfect time to start. All you need is a pen and a notebook! While you enjoy your morning coffee or tea, ask yourself the following, and write down three answers.

  2. “I am so happy and grateful for/that…”

  3. “Yesterday I was most proud of/that…”

These helpful tips were compiled by Brian Krueger, Senior Vice President of Strategic Services, Coldwell Banker Premier Realty.

We believe that our LVR community needs to help each other during this time. Click the photo below to view a list of our upcoming virtual classes. We hope that you can attend!

If there is anything you need assistance with, we have a dynamic leadership team here to help. Click here to learn how.